"She's a loathsome, offensive brute, yet I can't look away."
Yeah das right, just try looking away from these pictures that I awkwardly took of myself against a nearby elementary school wall. Kids were on the adjacent swing set, most likely questioning why the heck some broad was trying to channel her inner Cosmo Kramer.
Denim shirt: Belongs to my dad. Similar ones found at a Goodwill near you.
I feel like I should end with another related Seinfeld quote.
"Why do they call it a 'building'? It looks like they're finished. Why isn't it a 'built'?"
*cymbals crash.* To clarify, that quote is related to this post because there is a building behind me. I, uh...I guess I'll talk to you guys...later. *Drops microphone. Walks off stage.*
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